00:52:14 Rich Crosby: I enjoyed hearing about how all the mentors are willing to share information and resources with the fellows. 00:52:31 Raymond James: I agree Rich 00:52:38 Advance CTE: Thanks for sharing Richard!! 00:53:02 Donald Walker: I agree too! Wish we could have done more. 00:54:24 Tara Bordeaux: Very close in numbers 00:57:50 Annie Phillips | ESG: +1 Justin - I found the info on gender breakdown py program of study in the Making Good on the Promise piece really powerful 00:58:04 Annie Phillips | ESG: *by program of study :) 00:58:49 Justin Chin: @angie, thanks! This is super important when we take a more nuanced and intersectional view on Communities of Color 00:59:29 LaTonya Dixon: Health Science is the largest cluster for AL (40%) represented mostly by non-people of color (67% white) 01:01:58 Annie Phillips | ESG: @LaTonya - I wonder what the return on investment of those health sciences credentials are as compared to other programs… would have obvious implications for racial equity in outcomes if the enrollment is majority non-people of color 01:04:17 LaTonya Dixon: @Annie - indeed! I hope to explore some aspect of this in my real world project. 01:04:32 Justin Chin: @Tony, I think about you in this convo with K-12. How does tracking and the bell schedule influence access? 01:05:02 Annie Phillips | ESG: @LaTonya👏🏻 Awesome. Can’t wait to learn more from you 01:06:01 Dimitria Harding: We are currently implementing Guided Learning Pathways in our institution. A ton of work for good reason--also a lot of faculty resistance... 01:06:44 Carlos Lopez: What is our working definition of "high-quality"? 01:07:52 Annie Phillips | ESG: @Dimitria curious if your guided pathways movement has included non-credit programs… many CTE programs are offered noncredit 01:08:13 Annie Phillips | ESG: @Carlos - great question. Would love to discuss as a group and hear what others think! 01:09:04 Dimitria Harding: @Annie--our goal is to have more stackable credentialing coming from the non-credit side. You are totally correct-it seems as if I am sometimes "competing" with non-credit for students & programming. 01:13:29 Annie Phillips | ESG: @Dimitria you’re absolutely right. Too often noncredit and credit operate in siloes and there are big equity implications to that. Would love to follow up with you about some work we’re doing with the MNSCU (that you may be aware of already) 01:13:58 Dimitria Harding: I would love to, Annie! 01:14:59 Brittany Cannady | Advance CTE: +1 Donald 01:15:16 Eric Cherrie | ESG: @Donald that’s so true. The system isn’t designed for the people it serves 01:17:56 Tara Bordeaux: @Donald Yes. Very true 01:20:21 Donald Walker: Agreed 01:22:03 Tara Bordeaux: @Jean-claude, agreed. Counselors without any knowledge of the CTE programs do not provide students with a knowledge base to choose their pathway. Here, CTE courses are just treated like electives with a “pick 3 and see where you land” mentality. 01:22:26 Donald Walker: What Tara said!!!!!! 01:22:27 Justin Chin: @tara^^^ 01:23:39 Raymond James: 100% 01:24:10 Brittany Cannady | Advance CTE: 👏👏👏 01:24:40 Jean-claude R: Great points 01:24:45 Annie Phillips | ESG: Very eloquent! 01:25:58 Carlos Lopez: That ratio doesn't get better in CC or Uni.... 01:26:59 Donald Walker: @carlos 👏 01:31:50 Justin Chin: @Yolanda, IEPs, 504s and Behavioral 01:32:14 Tara Bordeaux: @Yolonda absolutely! 01:32:35 Tara Bordeaux: *Yolanda :) 01:32:42 Carlos Lopez: @ Yolanda&Justin: and the "C" student, and the "skipper" and the ELA, and the "underperformer".... 01:33:06 Justin Chin: ^^^ 01:33:40 Yolanda Terrell: Yes, it is very disheartening knowing they do have as much support as other students have. 01:33:43 Heather Covington: Also for students who are not in advanced Math. For many years, I taught students who used my CTE class as a "math substitution" course. 01:33:55 Advance CTE: Welcome panelists - Matt, Sonja, and Brittney!! 01:34:35 Matt Giani: Hello everyone! What a stimulating conversation! Sorry I'm just joining now! 01:35:12 Brittany Cannady | Advance CTE: @Heather, Yes! The 'substitution' is a real thing, I've witnessed as well. 01:35:44 Tara Bordeaux: Kudos to you @Tony. 01:35:55 Raymond James: Totally agree! 100% 01:36:03 Raymond James: @Carlos 01:36:17 Rich Crosby: I thought these issues were unique to the prison education system...I would not have imagined that this is what happening in the real world. 01:36:22 Dimitria Harding: Indeed, Carlos! 01:36:33 Tara Bordeaux: ^^^Carlos 01:37:11 Carlos Lopez: former advisor here... this gets my goat.... and Pathways could be argued to be a strategy that automates advisors and takes the "art" of advising out of the system... 01:37:53 Justin Chin: @Rich, I think about State reading, math, and writing scores as one of the first systems of tracking folks from marginalized backgrounds into prison 01:39:48 Tara Bordeaux: Go Longhorns @DrGiani 01:40:11 Matt Giani: Let's be friends Tara!!! 01:40:11 Sonja Wright-McMurray: While we are at, Go Hogs Go! 01:40:20 Yolanda Terrell: If I am not mistaken, the tracking of students starts when they are in 3rd grade. 01:40:28 Tara Bordeaux: Had to show a fellow Austinite love. :) 01:40:58 Justin Chin: @Yolanda, yes. 01:41:15 Heather Covington: @Tara -- Yes, based on reading proficiency. Middle school begins the tracking using Math. In HS, it continues with Math and Foreign Language (In NC) 01:41:41 Heather Covington: @Yolanda* sorry. Eyes. 01:51:56 Donald Walker: Is there such a thing as a CTE lobbyist? 01:52:19 Carlos Lopez: @ Donald: Us. :-) 01:52:37 Donald Walker: @ Carlos LOL LOL 01:52:48 Carlos Lopez: I want to start "Capitol Days" 01:52:52 Dimitria Harding: I was thinking the same thing, Carlos...#future 01:54:22 Carlos Lopez: When I was in TX, we used to have a day where Charter school stakeholders would go to Austin... I'm closer to the capital here in Denver. ;-) 01:54:45 Brett Visger: @Donald. Yes, a number of states have CTE lobbyists. I would ask the degree to which they lobby for more CTE funding vs lobbying for resources for equitable CTE. 01:55:13 Donald Walker: @ Brett Great Question 01:55:19 Tara Bordeaux: I would like to find out more about potential CTE lobbyists here in Austin! 01:55:35 Donald Walker: Same for MIchigan 01:55:40 Advance CTE: Tara we can definitely discuss. 01:56:08 Yolanda Terrell: @ Donald. 01:57:25 Yolanda Terrell: @Donald. I am curious to know if Alabama has a CTE lobbyist. 01:58:14 Tony Warren: Capital Services is the lobbyist for The Michigan School Counselor Association. 01:58:31 Carlos Lopez: Oh, Dr. Giani, what are challenging the status quo... Can't you just be quiet about that for a bit???? I've experienced that too... 01:58:42 Donald Walker: That's my concern about DEI right now. Policy and people working to keep it at the level of talk and not action 01:59:16 Donald Walker: @Matt That was very real!!!! Appreciate the vulnerability 02:00:02 Raymond James: Agree! Thanks for the insight Dr. Giani 02:00:18 Donald Walker: I literally dealt with a protest against DEI last week with our school board. 02:01:21 Tara Bordeaux: Yes, Texas is “interesting” right now regarding equity and education issues. 02:01:36 Matt Giani: Thank you all! And sorry to hear that Donald. There's been way too much of that lately... 02:04:16 Donald Walker: @Matt Thank you!! 02:08:08 Raymond James: One thing I struggle with daily since the pandemic. 02:08:27 Carlos Lopez: @ Ray, me too. 02:34:38 Carlos Lopez: Thanks y'all. Much appreciated! 02:34:48 Justin Chin: Cortisol Levels 02:35:01 Matt Giani: That's right! 02:35:03 Donald Walker: Thank you panelists!!!!! 02:35:09 LaTonya Dixon: Thank you. Very insightful!!! 02:35:11 Tara Bordeaux: Thank you all so much! Very valuable 02:35:16 Heather Covington: Thank you so much! 02:35:17 Dimitria Harding: Thank you all! 02:35:25 Sonja Wright-McMurray: So excited to see everyone's great work in the future. 02:35:27 Tony Warren: Thank you Dr Wright-McMurray Dr. Giani Dr. Williams 02:35:41 Matt Giani: Thank you for the opportunity! Great chatting with you all! 02:35:50 Dr. Brittney Baptiste Williams: Thank you all for having me. Best of luck! 02:35:51 Annie Phillips | ESG: Thanks panel!! 02:35:52 Raymond James: Thanks everyone 02:37:31 Eric Cherrie | ESG: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOW8M-lk=/?invite_link_id=645006342979 02:41:36 Brett Visger: I have done that. 02:42:36 Eric Cherrie | ESG: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOW8M-lk=/?invite_link_id=473168913069 02:44:17 Eric Cherrie | ESG: Please join the Miro board here: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOW8M-lk=/?invite_link_id=473168913069 02:49:01 Tara Bordeaux: Where is the map again? I cannot seem to find it 02:49:28 Brett Visger: Typically in the bottom right. 02:49:40 Tara Bordeaux: I don’t see to have it in the bottom right 02:51:45 Donald Walker: I don't see it in the bottom right either 03:38:05 Donald Walker: Well done Justin! 03:38:26 Justin Chin: Just a talking head when I put a suit on 03:38:49 Raymond James: Well done JC! Great spokesman , 03:43:57 LaTonya Dixon: Well said Tony! 03:44:01 Justin Chin: Amen of Employers! 03:44:07 Tony Warren: IMPACT OF SCHOOL-COUNSELOR-TO-STUDENT RATIOS ON STUDENT OUTCOMES 03:44:09 Justin Chin: *on Employers 03:44:11 Tony Warren: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rlAdb41XIirGDu0n7Nz90sntPPwvCrPd/view?usp=sharing 03:45:35 Tony Warren: Who are School Counselors?https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nMrQq-cU68MZKpqo0lUFsrlY79EhnKe4/view?usp=sharing 03:47:13 Tony Warren: The Role of School Counselors T. Warren https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GMNeoC3iz-rqwDIeElGRYTRrQ1Ry6MBlnqEoErvQcbE/edit?usp=sharing 03:48:18 Tara Bordeaux: Thank you Tony! 04:04:06 Carlos Lopez: What other incentives - other than funding - are available? Should the conversation always be around $$$? The altruist in me is screaming in my head right now... 04:09:51 Carlos Lopez: If there is a group chat going, please add me!: 04:10:04 Tara Bordeaux: Is there a way we can check we have not missed any surveys? 04:11:37 Brittany Cannady | Advance CTE: careertech.org/webinars 04:14:36 Advance CTE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11ySGpy5_ptrE1bTUu7UvBe56ukxsqCueXA5FwkOtASw/edit?usp=sharing 04:16:05 Sara Gassman | she/her | Advance CTE: Please follow this link for the eval: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf7NtLbhN78WZ5Ia2g_Wdd5VLkMDprnXMaGL7iOvfKeVvSf0A/viewform?usp=sf_link 04:17:35 Annie Phillips | ESG: Awesome conversation! Thanks all! 04:17:42 Jean-claude R: Kevin can we do a join project? 04:19:37 Tara Bordeaux: Thank you all!