Happy CTE Month! Each Friday in February we will showcase tools and resources to use during CTE Month and highlight the great work states and organizations are doing to get the word about CTE Month.
Advance CTE developed a number of resources to help you communicate about the value of CTE. Supported by the Siemens Foundation, Advance CTE worked with states to pilot innovative and effective models to communicate about CTE with key stakeholders, students and their families, to guarantee career success for each learner. Learn about model strategies and approaches in three new briefs:
- Strategic Messaging for Effective Communications
- Supporting Districts and Schools in their Recruitment Efforts
- A Digital Communications Approach
We also created a number of templates including a ready-to-use brochure, flyer, banner, postcard and ad for you to use to make the case for CTE in your community. The materials are designed so that you can plug in photos and information about your school, district or state reinforced by nationally tested messages that we know resonate with students and families.
Utah State Board of Education released five videos highlighting CTE pathways to in-demand and high-wage careers such as aviation and aerospace, health science, Information Technology and more.
#TurnYourDreamIntoACareer: What does a career in the manufacturing industry look like? While participated in the #UtahCTE MANUFACTURING PATHWAY students build train cars at Stadler https://t.co/DiyeKBYMn7. #LearningThatWorks #CTEMonth @CTEWorks pic.twitter.com/lFkvKvRNPa
— Utah CTE (@UtahCTE) February 7, 2020
South Carolina Department of Education released a statewide social media calendar and resource guide to help districts communicate about their successful CTE programs.
The Arkansas Division of Career and Technical Education launched a social media campaign: What CTE Means to Me where students and school district accounts are posting what CTE means to them alongside facts making the case for CTE using the #WhatCTEMeans hashtag.
#WhatCTEMeans to us is preparing future childcare providers! We’ve placed over 30 childcare students in 6 local childcare facilities for observations and real-world training! #GreenbrierProud @EdDcte pic.twitter.com/6jlJw2cPx3
— greenbrierschools (@grnbrierschools) February 4, 2020
During National CTE month our #CTSO (student officers) at MHHSCA are studying Strengths and how to leverage them in their leadership roles. @Dr_JakeLong @wecook1992 #whatCTEmeans#ARstudentfocused#cteworks pic.twitter.com/u2GDpsF4ef
— Mountain Home Public Schools (@BombersMh) February 4, 2020