Research & DataResources & Initiatives New Advance CTE Research Provides Key Insights to Expand Employer Partnerships Today, Advance CTE released findings from a national survey of more than 300 employers on the top skills desired… October 7, 2021
Resources & Initiatives Communicating CTE: Strategies and Message Tailoring to Reach Historically Marginalized Learners and Families Recruiting learners into CTE programs should not be limited to class registration season; repeated exposure to messages about the… August 17, 2021
Resources & Initiatives Communicating CTE: Recruitment Through Social Media In April 2021, Advance CTE released Communicating Career Technical Education: Learner-centered Messages for Effective Program Recruitment and updated resources… July 27, 2021
Uncategorized Communicating CTE: New Communications Research Highlights Key Equity Considerations in Communicating CTE to Families and Learners Today, Advance CTE released a new report and updated resources on messages that resonate with families about the value and benefits… April 28, 2021
Resources & Initiatives Communicating CTE: Washington’s Statewide Initiative for Secondary Career Exploration Empowers Educators and Learners The third post in the Communicating Career Technical Education (CTE) series will focus on creative initiatives for career exploration… March 3, 2021
Resources & InitiativesUncategorized Communicating CTE: Utah’s Tools to Sell CTE and Build Local Champions As the nation heads into a year of difficult fiscal environments and budgetary shortfalls across all levels of government,… January 12, 2021