Access & OpportunityCommunications IM STEM: Using Collective Impact to Broaden Participation in STEM and CTE through a Multi-State Systems Approach NAPE's report shares challenges and promising practices of the IM STEM initiative, which uses a collective impact model to… January 2021
Data and AccountabilitySystems Alignment Career Readiness & the Every Student Succeeds Act: Mapping Career Readiness in State ESSA Plans – Round 1 This brief from Advance CTE and the Education Strategy Group examines where and how career readiness shows up in the… July 2017
Career AdvisementCredentials and Assessments Policy Snapshot: Guided Pathways to College Completion This report from the Education Commission of the States examines state policies related to guided pathways, an increasingly popular… April 2017
Credentials and AssessmentsProgram Quality Leveraging ESSA: Aligning K-12 and Postsecondary Credential Attainment Goals to Support Success for All Students This policy brief from Higher Ed for Higher Standards identifies clear strategies for developing aligned K–12 and higher education… April 2017
Access & OpportunityDual Enrollment, Articulation and Transfer Dual Enrollment: A Strategy to Improve College-Going and College Completion Among Rural Students This policy brief from the Education Commission of the States explores strategies for expanding access to dual enrollment opportunities… March 2017