The Role of State Governance in Supporting Learner Pathways

This brief explains how strong state governance structures can support the development and success of high-quality pathways for all learners from K–12 to postsecondary education and career.


The Role of State Governance in Supporting Learner Pathways

This brief explains how strong state governance structures can support the development and success of high-quality pathways for all learners from K–12 to postsecondary education and career. It describes what constitutes a strong governance structure and how education departments led by Chiefs for Change members in three states— Indiana, Rhode Island, and Tennessee—are using such structures to create rich opportunities and experiences for students.The following are recommendations for establishing a strong state governance structure, or for reinvigorating existing ones, to support high-quality pathways across K–12, postsecondary education, and career:

  • Establish a shared state goal for learner pathway outcomes.
  • Establish and codify a governance structure.
  • Ensure all relevant stakeholders are included.
  • Engage in a comprehensive and transparent communications campaign.
  • Track and regularly report progress and results toward the shared goal and underlying success metrics.

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