Building Cross-Sector Partnerships to Support Career and Technical Education Pathways: A Playbook for State Policymakers

This report by the Foundation for Excellence in Education provides a guide to build strong cross-sector partnerships among secondary education, postsecondary institutions, and business and industry to develop and strengthen career pathways for learners.


Building Cross-Sector Partnerships to Support Career and Technical Education Pathways: A Playbook for State Policymakers

There is a skills gap in the country. Learners’ educational pathways often don’t equip them with the skills and experiences they need to begin a sustainable career after graduation. This report by the Foundation for Excellence in Education provides a guide to build strong cross-sector partnerships among secondary education, postsecondary institutions, and business and industry to develop and strengthen career pathways for learners. This report identifies the common elements of effective cross-sector partnerships and provides state policy recommendations to incentive and promote partnerships to promote strong career pathways.

Using Delaware, Texas, Minnesota and Tennessee as examples, this report examines lessons learned during cross-sector partnership work and actions policymakers can take to support career pathways. This is the second report in a series that examines ways to improve CTE for each learner. Click here to view the first report.

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