Case Study: Ohio’s Perkins V Equity Labs

This case study is part of a series of case studies to support the Advance CTE Career Readiness Data Quality and Use Policy Benchmark Tool. Supporting element six, information is used effectively to promote quality and equity, this case study examines Ohio's Perkins V Equity Labs.


Case Study: Ohio’s Perkins V Equity Labs

A high-quality career readiness data ecosystem should not only collect, analyze and report data but also use the information to promote quality and equity. State leaders should integrate career readiness data into policymaking and decision-making processes to further a statewide career preparation system that is high quality and equitable. This case study examines how Ohio is using data to promote quality and equity is. Ohio created data-driven Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) Equity Labs to support Career-Technical Planning Districts (CTPDs) in acknowledging equity gaps in Career Technical Education (CTE) programs, discuss possible root causes and brainstorm solutions.

This case study is part a series of case studies to support the Advance CTE Career Readiness Data Quality and Use Policy Benchmark Tool. 

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