Using Individualized Learning Plans to Produce College and Career Ready High School Graduates

This brief from the National Collaboration on Workforce and Disability (NCWD) shares recommendations to advance a quality Individualized Learning Plans (ILP) initiative based on ILP research studies conducted by NCWD and its partners.


Using Individualized Learning Plans to Produce College and Career Ready High School Graduates

Individualized Learning Plans (ILPs) are personalized plans developed collaboratively by students and school personnel to set goals that help students focus on their academic and career futures and keep them on track toward these goals.This brief from the National Collaboration on Workforce and Disability (NCWD) shares recommendations to advance a quality ILP initiative based on ILP research studies conducted by NCWD and its partners. The brief summarizes key findings from the various studies on ILPs and provides various recommendations for individuals and organizations that impact quality ILPs. In particular, the brief examines how policymakers can leverage ILPs to develop college and career readiness and improve educational success for students with disabilities. The brief shares separate recommendations for state officials, district/school officials, educators, organizations interested in supporting family engagement in schools, special education administrators and support organizations, national organizations, disability organizations and federal officials.

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