In Virginia, learners who graduate high school with a standard diploma are required to also earn a Career Technical Education (CTE) credential. This case study by the National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance at the Institute of Education Sciences examines CTE credentials most commonly earned by Virginia high school graduates from 2011-2017. They found that 9 out of the top 10 credentials earned were broad credentials not narrowly aligned to a specific occupation or industry. Furthermore, English Learners and learners with disabilities earned the top 10 credentials at rates lower than other standard diploma graduates. The authors of the study suggest additional analysis is needed to help CTE stakeholders and policymakers understand the value of different types of CTE credentials to ensure Virginia’s CTE policies are improving learners’ career readiness, updating CTE instructional programs and policies as needed.
Access & OpportunityProgram Quality
High-quality education opportunities for justice-involved learners have demonstrated a strong economic return - a study produced by the RAND…