Measuring Progress for Every Leader and Learner in CTE in Five Visuals

Advance CTE’s newly released 2022 Annual Report celebrates how our organization continues to grow and adapt to meet the needs of our members. In doing so, we made meaningful progress in achieving Career Technical Education (CTE) without any limits to program access, support and success for each learner.  Keep reading to...

Measuring Progress for Every Leader and Learner in CTE in Five Visuals

Advance CTE’s newly released 2022 Annual Report celebrates how our organization continues to grow and adapt to meet the needs of our members. In doing so, we made meaningful progress in achieving Career Technical Education (CTE) without any limits to program access, support and success for each learner. 

Keep reading to see five ways our organization continues to support our members while challenging the field by leading on equity, influencing federal policy, building community and knowledge, and providing impactful tools and resources. 

State CTE leaders feel valued and heard through our supports and resources. 





One hundred percent of State CTE Director felt valued and satisfied as a member of Advance CTE.

Advance CTE is a national leader in equipping CTE leaders to build more equitable programs and systems for each learner. 

In 2022 we strove to close equity and representation gaps through expanded delivery of our Opportunity Gap Analysis workshop to 24 states and supporting two cohort and 25 leaders of cohort participating in the Postsecondary State Career Technical Education Leaders Fellowship at Advance CTE — Sponsored by ECMC Foundation. 


Expanded tailored technical assistance and engagement spaces of all sizes successfully met the capacity and needs of our state CTE leaders. 

In 2022, 45 states and two territories participated in dedicated spaces to learn best practices and undertake steps to address pressing systemic challenges. 


Advance CTE’s strong reputation among federal policymakers delivered increases for Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V). 

In 2022, we achieved new records in the number of congressional members supporting CTE Month and total funding for Perkins V. 





Our professional learning events receive high marks for connecting members to state and national experts with solutions on timely issues. 

In 2022, Advance returned to in-person events while also delivering virtual events in new formats, including a three-part June Meeting Series and fireside chat featuring U.S. Department of Education Assistant Secretary Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education Dr. Amy Loyd. 

Stacy Whitehouse, Communications Manager