Professional Development
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Professional Development
Advance CTE provides a wide range of professional learning and technical assistance opportunities for our members and other CTE stakeholders.
Our professional learning opportunities are designed to meet CTE leaders where they are and foster supportive, solutions-focused environments that ignite innovation and take CTE systems to new heights.
Annual Meetings
Each year, Advance CTE hosts a spring and fall convening for members to provide an opportunity for state CTE leaders to learn from and build connections with each other, national experts and connected stakeholders. We are proud to deliver high-value events – 97 percent of 2022 Fall Meeting attendees shared they were likely or very likely to apply knowledge they learned at the event in their work.

New State Director Institute
Advance CTE’s New State Director Institute supports and empowers new State CTE Directors to develop and advance comprehensive policies, infrastructure and programming that lead to and sustain high-quality CTE for all learners in their states. The program offers a structured, progressive life cycle of professional development to cover strategic planning and visioning, content knowledge, and leadership and management skills.
Identify and Address Gaps in Access to High-Quality CTE
While high-quality CTE programs of study across the country are delivering positive outcomes for learners, the reality is that not all learners have access to these programs. The train-the-trainer: Opportunity Gap Analysis Workshop provides training, resources and support to help state leaders identify and address gaps in access to high-quality CTE.

Identify and Address Gaps in Access to High-Quality CTE and WBL
The growing interest in providing high-quality work-based learning (WBL) opportunities to learners at all levels of education requires monitoring and attention to detail to ensure access for all populations. The Opportunity Gap Analysis: Work-Based Learning Workshop provides training, resources, and support to help state leaders define and analyze gaps in access to WBL programs.
Career Advising Workshop
Empowering Students through Career Technical Education and Career Advising is a resource library, containing six modules of ready-made materials to provide school counselors and other advising professionals with impactful information and resources to expand existing strategies for effective career advisement and empower learners to skillfully navigate their path to career and college success.

Connective Learning Spaces
Advance CTE provides a variety of in-person and virtual spaces for CTE leaders of all backgrounds to come together to discuss shared challenges, elevate promising solutions and identify opportunities for additional support. These are organized in the form of communities of practice, where participants share interest in a topic; shared solution working group, where participants share information on current work, promising practices and challenges on a topic and subsequent feedback on subsequent resources; and affinity groups, where participants share one or more identities that influence their personal and professional journey.
Recent communities of practice have centered around career advising, learner voice, K-12 to postsecondary alignment, data, and implementation of the National Career Clusters Framework. A Leaders of Color affinity group is open to all state members.