Nick Rodriguez Keynote at Spring State Leadership Retreat Highlights Five Lessons in Leadership

After what can only be described as two of the most turbulent years in recent memory, Advance CTE was finally able to reconvene this month in Baltimore, Maryland to host a Spring State Leadership Retreat. The event welcomed 64 participants representing 37 states, in roles ranging from state CTE directors...

Nick Rodriguez Keynote at Spring State Leadership Retreat Highlights Five Lessons in Leadership

After what can only be described as two of the most turbulent years in recent memory, Advance CTE was finally able to reconvene this month in Baltimore, Maryland to host a Spring State Leadership Retreat. The event welcomed 64 participants representing 37 states, in roles ranging from state CTE directors to workforce and education leaders.

The Retreat’s keynote was presented by Nick Rodriguez, CEO of Delivery Associates, a leader in systems transformation whose work has helped both government and industry organizations to become efficient and equitable change makers. 

Attendees listened attentively as Nick presented his Inspired Leadership General Session, “Seizing the Moment: Leadership & Opportunity in Uncertain Times.” He acknowledged the challenging times we still find ourselves in, but also underscored the importance of how attendees can leverage their roles, voices, and leadership to advance our shared commitments to quality and equity as articulated in CTE Without Limits

Nick shared “Five Lessons in Leadership” as a framework to guide leaders through times of crisis, like the ones we are living in today: 

He walked participants through each of these principles by recalling recent anecdotes and lessons from his work abroad, from Pakistan to New Zealand. The theme was always the same: with adversity comes opportunity. 

Following the keynote presentation, attendees strengthened connections with peers and deepened knowledge on solutions to pursue systemic change and effectively support state teams. Attendees enjoyed speed networking, shared solutions ideation, a panel on state implementation of the CTE Without Limits vision and regional get-to-know-you meetings. 

Register by June 2 to join Advance CTE’s next virtual professional development opportunity —  the EQUIP, EMPOWER, ELEVATE: Virtual June Meeting Series

Three events over three hours with dynamic keynote speakers and content-rich breakouts will be held June 8, 15, and 22 from 2 to 5 p.m. ET. 

Amy Hodge, Policy Associate