Expanding Access to CTEPublic Policy Championing Career Technical Education: Highlights from CTE Month 2024 Each February, the Career Technical Education (CTE) community celebrates CTE Month to raise awareness of opportunities and impact achieved… February 29, 2024
CTE VoicesExpanding Access to CTE Spotlight on CTE Month: Celebrating the creative ways states engaged with stakeholders February’s Career Technical Education (CTE) Month celebrations illustrated CTE’s continued spotlight in both federal and state communications and policymaking.… March 7, 2023
Uncategorized Celebrating State Creativity and Learner Voices during CTE Month! While many states are still operating in a virtual environment and facing challenges to executing traditional Career Technical Education… February 24, 2021
Uncategorized This Week in CTE: Celebrating CTE Month! This month has been full of celebrations in honor of #CTEMonth! Below are some highlights. This afternoon, @CongressmanGT lead… February 28, 2020
AnnouncementsResources & Initiatives This Week in CTE: States Take to Social Media to Celebrate CTE Month To celebrate CTE Month, states are taking the lead in honoring the students, educators, administrators, industry partners and all… February 16, 2018