Resources & Initiatives New Tracker Reveals Diverse State Approaches to Work-Based Learning Design Advance CTE’s newly released State Work-Based Learning Toolkit Innovation Tracker links publicly accessible WBL toolkits from across all 50… June 20, 2022
Public PolicyResources & Initiatives New Report: 5 Strategies to Strengthen Equity in Early Postsecondary Opportunity Participation and Completion Every year, more than 5.5 million secondary learners take advantage of Early Postsecondary Opportunities (EPSOs), including dual and concurrent… March 3, 2022
Uncategorized Governors Praise CTE, Workforce Development in 2021 State of the State Addresses Since the beginning of the year, over 35 governors have delivered their State of the State addresses, sharing their… February 11, 2021
Uncategorized This Week in CTE We have compiled a list of highlights in Career Technical Education (CTE) from this week to share with you.… July 3, 2020
Uncategorized Getting to Know….Alaska Note: This is part of Advance CTE’s blog series, “Getting to Know…” We are using this series to help… May 28, 2020
Uncategorized Tribal Colleges and Universities Take Innovative Approaches to Support Native Populations In February, the American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) hosted an event at the Senate Office Building to discuss… March 9, 2020