CTE Voices Welcome Janeva Wilson to Advance CTE! My name is Janeva Wilson, and I am thrilled to join Advance CTE as a policy associate. As part… December 13, 2024
CTE Voices Welcome Emily Passias to Advance CTE! I could not be more delighted to join the team here at Advance CTE! A self-proclaimed “Career Technical Education… September 18, 2023
Expanding Access to CTEUncategorized Vision Commitments ‘Vlog’ Episode 2: Challenging our Limits to Quality CTE This summer, Advance CTE is pleased to partner with experts from supporting organizations of Without Limits: A Shared Vision… July 13, 2021
Public PolicyResearch & DataResources & Initiatives The Number of States Counting Career Readiness Has More than Doubled Since 2014 In a strong signal of support for Career Technical Education (CTE) and career readiness in high school, 40 states… March 19, 2019