Welcome Dr. Monique Faulkner as the new State Director of Career Technical and Adult Education for the US Virgin Islands!

The US Virgin Islands (USVI) Department of Education has recently named Virgin Islands native Dr. Monique Faulkner as the State Director of Career Technical and Adult Education. The Department oversees the development and execution of Career, Technical and Adult Education programs in the Territory’s public education system, in alignment with...

Welcome Dr. Monique Faulkner as the new State Director of Career Technical and Adult Education for the US Virgin Islands!

The US Virgin Islands (USVI) Department of Education has recently named Virgin Islands native Dr. Monique Faulkner as the State Director of Career Technical and Adult Education. The Department oversees the development and execution of Career, Technical and Adult Education programs in the Territory’s public education system, in alignment with the Strengthening Career Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) and the Adult Education Family and Literacy Act (AEFLA).

Monique discovered CTE like many do as a path to reskill after an economic shift. After the mortgage industry collapse in 2007, Monique was forced to redirect her career path from a financial-focused background as a Mortgage Residential Underwriter to education. Monique went back to school and earned a Bachelor of Science in Education.

While pursuing a master’s degree in Education Administration with a concentration in Adult Education, Monique accepted a position as a Program Manager at the USVI Department of Education’s State Office of Career, Technical & Adult Education. Monique shared, “It was [there] that my full passion emerged, as I began to see a vision for how the two programs certainly complemented each other and if integrated correctly, could change the lives of individuals (secondary students and adult learners).”

In order to increase her exposure and gain additional knowledge of Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Adult Education, Monique relocated to Georgia where she served as the Adult Education Dean at Atlanta Technical College. In this role, Monique gained hands-on experience with building sustainable programs that bridged learners from Adult Education into CTE pathways. In collaboration with the technical program deans, Monique created accelerated Career, Technical and Adult Education (CTAE) training programs for students, which focused on stackable credentialing. 

The experience Monique gained working directly with learners and educators fueled her passion for CTE and led to a federal position at the  U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education (OCTAE), while dually pursuing her doctorate in Education. Her dissertation, A Change Management Plan: Expanding the Knowledge of Adult Education to Improve Program Performance, incorporated the rigor of academics with the relevance of technical education.  

In her new role as the State Director of CTAE, Monique is excited about CTE’s ability to not only build real-world skills but to change the trajectory of one’s future: “I am passionate about CTE because CTE is shaping the future. It is the foundation on which the world stands, economies are sustained, crime and recidivism are reduced drastically and strong communities thrive.  CTE is the driving force behind business and industry and economically self-sufficient communities.  When all of the aforementioned happens in a community, businesses are attracted like a magnet, the economy begins to blossom and greater levels of self-sufficiency among adults in that community are attained.”

For the year ahead, Monique’s priorities for CTE systems in the USVI are to create stronger connections between state and local CTE leaders given the territory’s unique structure of one state education agency and just two local education agencies.  

Monique shared that the concentrated team efforts for the next year are:

  • Rolling out extensive training and professional development to increase awareness and understanding of CTE and how high-quality CTE can be delivered in the territory. 
  • Conversing with stakeholders and district-level staff and professionals to gain their feedback, perspective and insight about CTE and how their contributions are needed for continued growth.
  • Reviewing programs and curriculum to develop a cohesive integrated curriculum framework for the territory (inclusive of new program offerings which align with the demand pathways for each respective island and for the territory).

Another priority is changing the mindset around CTE from the “old voc-ed” mentality to a better understanding of the benefits of modern CTE with a culturally responsive lens. Due to the geographically separated nature of the islands, it can be challenging to share and spread information. Monique emphasizes that The ability to change mindsets through informing and engaging adults of and in changes … requires a concerted, bottom-up effort that is deeply rooted in … the cultural norms of communication to gain a receptive and motivated audience that … can become an integral part of the change.”

A published poet and writer, outside of the office Monique also enjoys creating unique jewelry (“wrist candy”) and “delicious 100 percent natural juices.”

Welcome Monique to Advance CTE!