Daniel Sandoval

Daniel Sandoval

Director of Customized Training, Short-Term Credentials & Apprenticeships

Cohort 2

Daniel Sandoval is passionate about cultivating self-reliance among learners and students from marginalized populations and has focused on serving immigrant, economically disadvantaged, racially underrepresented, and linguistically diverse communities. His range of experience includes grant writing and administration, managing apprenticeship and credential attainment initiatives, and serving in leadership roles in postsecondary student services. Currently, Sandoval serves as the Director of Customized Training and Apprenticeships at Pickens Technical College and as a Psychology instructor at the Community College of Aurora. He earned a bachelor’s degree in English writing from Colorado Mesa University and a master’s degree in counseling psychology from the University of Colorado at Denver.

Advancing Apprenticeships with Women of Color

This project will involve the collection of narrative (qualitative) data on female apprenticeship experiences between the ages of 18-24 who are participating in a registered apprenticeship program at Pickens Technical College in Aurora, CO. Data will be analyzed in order to extrapolate themes from the experiences of the apprentices and categorize those themes. This data and the subsequent narratives will assist in addressing barriers of participation and strategies to increase recruitment of female learners of color.

Advance CTE Fellows are gaining the skills and connections to pursue state leadership positions and advance high-quality, equitable state postsecondary CTE systems.