Each year, Advance CTE and ACTE track and analyze state policy to prepare a Year in Review: State Policies Impacting CTE report. While 2021 was marked by significant and necessary coronavirus pandemic-responses, states were surprisingly active in enacting policy actions impacting Career Technical Education (CTE). Last year 41 states enacted 138 policy actions that will impact millions of CTE learners in secondary and postsecondary systems. Advance CTE and ACTE shared an overview of the trends from the 2021 report and highlights from key topic areas including funding, equity and access and work-based learning. Selected state leaders shared in-depth examples of policies enacted in their states, including insights as to why and how these policies came to life and what their thoughts are on implementation strategies. A short question and answer followed the presentation to allow for discussion around findings and examples.
Perkins V names learners as required collaborators in state plan development and the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA) process.…