Organizational Resources

Organizational Resources

Annual Report

Our Annual Report provides an overview of our membership, the accomplishments we’ve made in carrying out our major initiatives, a financial overview of the organization, as well as insight into where we’re headed for the next year. 

Learning That Works Blog

One of the best ways to keep up-to-date with what Advance CTE is working on is to follow the Learning That Works Blog. You can subscribe to the blog to receive emails of posts (enter your email and hit “Subscribe” on the right-hand side above the “Series” section). As a member, you will receive a weekly wrap up of the previous week’s blogs every Monday.

Member Listserv

As a member, you have access to the Advance CTE membership. Use the member listserv to ask questions, promote your work and learn from your peers in the CTE community. Not sure if you’re subscribed or how to use it? Email [email protected] for more information.

Business Meeting Minutes

Additional Resources