Jomarie Coloriano

Jomarie Coloriano

Director of Inclusive Excellence and Adjunct

Cohort 2

Jomarie Coloriano is an alum of the second cohort of the Postsecondary State Career Technical Education (CTE) Leaders Fellowship at Advance CTE— Sponsored by ECMC Foundation. A proud  first-generation college graduate, Coloriano’s professional experience is deeply influenced by her passion for policy and systems reform. Currently, she serves as a Director of Inclusive Excellence at Gateway Technical College and an adjunct faculty member in the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences and School of Protective and Human Services. Coloriano holds several degrees, including a bachelor’s degree in community engagement and education from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee and a master’s degree in social work from Aurora University. She is currently pursuing a doctorate in the Educational Policy and Leadership program at Marquette University.

Advance CTE Fellows are gaining the skills and connections to pursue state leadership positions and advance high-quality state postsecondary CTE systems.