Justin Chin

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Justin Chin


Cohort 1

Justin Chin has over two decades of experience in PK-16 education as an administrator, instructor, and advisor; Justin currently serves as the Dean of Workforce Development at Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon. He received a bachelor’s degree in English and a master’s degree in Education from Western Oregon University. Chin began a Doctorate in Adult and Higher Education Leadership at Oregon State University in 2023. He serves as Board Chair for Oregon Humanities.

Challenging the Model Myth—Fostering Success for AANHPI CTE Students: An Environmental Scan Exploring a Strategic Framework for Holistic Student Success

This project aims to explore existing data around culturally responsive supports for API students and conduct interviews with college faculty and students to determine best practices and recommendations for Lane CC. The desired outcome of this work is a qualitative framework for understanding how to identify and implement culturally responsive student services to support degree completion and job placement.

Advance CTE Fellows are gaining the skills and connections to pursue state leadership positions and advance high-quality, equitable state postsecondary CTE systems.