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Explore 16 topics featuring resources from Advance CTE and other national organizations connected to career-focused education.
Resources on topics such as special populations, non-traditional students, delivery systems, and infrastructure.
Resources on topics such as guidance, counseling, guided pathways, student supports, coaching, individualized learning plans, career awareness, and exposure and mentorships.
Resources designed to support Career Technical Education (CTE) professionals in understanding and implementing the modernized National Career Clusters Framework.
Resources on topics such as Career Technical Education (CTE) perception, effective messaging strategies, and recruitment.
Resources on topics such as industry-recognized credentials, technical skill assessments, capstone projects, and postsecondary degrees and certificates.
Resources on topics such as federal and state reporting and accountability systems, longitudinal data systems, and return on investment.
Resources on topics such as dual and concurrent enrollment, articulation and transfer, credit and non-credit course transfer, and early college high schools.
Resources on topics such as business and industry, workforce investment boards, industry validation, talent pipeline, and the skills gap.
Resources on topics such as financial aid and funding models and formulas.
Resources on topics such as competency-based education, multiple pathways, diplomas and endorsements, and postsecondary admissions requirements.
Resources on topics such as professional learning, certification, externships, and teacher and leader effectiveness.
Resources related to employment and workforce data including data about employment by location and occupation, labor supply and demand, earnings, unemployment, and demographics of the labor force.
Resources designed to help understand and implement the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V).
Resources on topics such as program approval, accreditation, standards, programs of study, evaluation, personalized learning, and academic-technical integration.
Resources on topics such as secondary and postsecondary partnerships, cross-sector strategies, and governance.
Resources on topics such as experiential learning, internships, school-based enterprises, and apprenticeships.