21st Century Educators: Developing and Supporting Great Career and Technical Education Teachers

This brief from the Center for Great Teachers & Leaders addresses policy gaps in developing and supporting CTE teachers by offering an overview of the current policy landscape, its implications for CTE teacher effectiveness, and next steps for creating aligned human capital policies.

21st Century Educators: Developing and Supporting Great Career and Technical Education Teachers

Career Technical Education (CTE) teachers are uniquely positioned to improve college and career readiness for all students, and yet major federal and state education reforms, such as the Common Core State Standards, teacher evaluation and ESEA flexibility have paid insufficient attention to direct supports for CTE teachers. This special issue brief from the Center for Great Teachers & Leaders at the American Institutes of Research is a first step in addressing these policy gaps by offering state education leaders an overview of the current policy landscape, its implications for CTE teacher effectiveness, and next steps for creating aligned and coherent human capital management policies.

This brief will be a useful resource for states looking to improve the quality of their CTE teaching workforce. 

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