Career Readiness & the Every Student Succeeds Act: Mapping Career Readiness in ESSA State Plans: Appendix

This document describes how states are leveraging the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to advance career readiness, specifically looking at state activity related to long-term goals, accountability, Title II and Title IV.

Career Readiness & the Every Student Succeeds Act: Mapping Career Readiness in ESSA State Plans: Appendix

This document describes how states are leveraging the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to advance career readiness, specifically looking at state activity related to long-term goals, accountability, Title II and Title IV. This document appends Advance CTE and Education Strategy Group’s report Career Readiness & the Every Student Succeeds Act: Mapping Career Readiness in ESSA State Plans, which summarizes trends across all fifty states and the District of Columbia. Overall, ESSA represents a watershed moment for states, with 49 identifying career readiness strategies in some form and 35 adopting career readiness measures in their state accountability systems.

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