The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) provides state leaders with a lever to transform and improve their Career Technical Education (CTE) systems. Given the many partners and stakeholders that are either required or recommended to be consulted or engaged throughout the state plan development process and the incredible interest in and spotlight on CTE from policymakers, industry leaders and families, having a proactive communications strategy that has a clear and compelling message – delivered effectively to states’ target audiences – can be critical to states’ overall success in their Perkins V implementation. This tool from Advance CTE aims to help state leaders think through their overall communications strategy throughout the process of developing and implementing their Perkins V state plan. To access the Microsoft Word version of this tool, click here.
Access & OpportunityProgram Quality
Centering learner feedback, needs, and input is essential for fostering a welcoming and supportive career preparation system. Leveraging Learner…