Connected to Careers: Expanding Employer Leadership in Career Development

This brief from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, the third installment in the Making Youth Employment Work series, introduces a new approach for employers to play an expanded role in career development.

Connected to Careers: Expanding Employer Leadership in Career Development

Career development practices in K-12 schools are designed to equip participants with the necessary knowledge, tools and supports to make informed decisions about future occupations. Yet, students in this country remain largely uninformed of potential career pathways and the relevance of academics to the workforce. As companies look to create a talent pipeline to compete on a global stage, the business community can play an expanded role in career development.

This brief from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, the third installment in the Making Youth Employment Work series, introduces a new approach for employers to play an expanded role in career development using a customer service model. The report explores common challenges and best practices for exercising employer leadership.

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