Connecting Every Learner: A Framework for States to Increase Access to and Success in Work-Based Learning

This Advance CTE report provides a 5-step framework to address equity gaps in work-based learning by building a statewide infrastructure that enables cross-agency collaboration and prioritizes relationship building, data and accountability, quality, and extending social and cultural capital.

Connecting Every Learner: A Framework for States to Increase Access to and Success in Work-Based Learning

Work-based learning faces significant changes in delivery in the face of a global pandemic that has severely limited physical access to schools and businesses. These changes have forced school leaders and employers to acknowledge pre-existing inequities that perpetuate historical barriers and racial discrimination and keep marginalized learner populations from accessing high-quality work-based learning experiences. This resource from Advance CTE provides a five step framework to address equity gaps in work-based learning by building a statewide infrastructure that enables cross-agency collaboration and prioritizes relationship building, data and accountability, quality, and extending social and cultural capital. Innovative initiatives and programs in seven states and two cities are featured that address five action areas:

  1. Establish a statewide vision for equity in work-based learning;
  2. Enable intermediary organizations to equitably expand work-based learning;
  3. Use data to advance equity and program quality;
  4. Engage and support employers to offer high-quality and inclusive work-based learning experiences; and
  5. Scale successful programs using an equity lens.

This resource was developed through JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s New Skills ready network, a partnership of Advance CTE and Education Strategy Group.

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