Impactful and Collaborative Practices to Effectively Communicate Career Pathway Initiatives


Impactful and Collaborative Practices to Effectively Communicate Career Pathway Initiatives

Interest in and growth of career pathways initiatives, including through Career Technical Education (CTE), continues to expand. As a result, so does the importance of effective communication about these initiatives across essential but increasingly complex cross-sector partnerships.

This resource provides strategies with accompanying recommendations and guiding structures to create impactful and collaborative structures that communicate progress and impact for cross-sector career pathway endeavors of all sizes, including large-scale, cross-sector initiatives.

This resource was produced through JPMorgan Chase’s New Skills ready network, a five-year, $35 million initiative aimed at developing equitable career pathways and policy recommendations that give underserved students access to higher education and real-world work experiences that lead to high-wage, in-demand jobs. This initiative is part of JPMorgan Chase’s $350 million initiative to improve student completion of high-quality career pathways and a $30 billion commitment to advancing racial equity.

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