Leveraging Credit for Prior Learning in Youth Apprenticeship Strategies


Leveraging Credit for Prior Learning in Youth Apprenticeship Strategies

Audio Version (12 mins)

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) has been gaining prominence in recent years, most often connected to adult learners who are upskilling or reskilling. CPL offers a number of benefits to younger learners as well, and can serve as another lever to aid secondary learners in gaining postsecondary credit, thereby reducing costs for learners; shortening their time to earn postsecondary credentials and degrees; and increasing the overall likelihood of earning a postsecondary degree. 

Created in partnership with the Partnership to Advance Youth Apprenticeship (PAYA), Leveraging Credit for Prior Learning in Youth Apprenticeship Strategies presents three, actionable strategies for state and local leaders to leverage CPL as part of their youth apprenticeship (YA) programs, awarding postsecondary credit to secondary learners for coursework, credentials, and experiences. Explore use case examples across five states (Colorado, Louisiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin) highlighting how each state has supportive policies that enable YA programs to take advantage of CPL to help close access and opportunity gaps for learners in their states.

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