Data and AccountabilityPerkins V A Guide for State Leaders: Maximizing Perkins V’s Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment & Local Application to Drive Quality and Equity in CTE This guide from Advance CTE provides a summary, analysis and guidance for each major component of the comprehensive local… June 2019
Data and AccountabilityPerkins V A Guide for State Leaders: Maximizing Perkins V’s Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment & Local Application to Drive Quality and Equity in CTE This guide from Advance CTE provides a summary, analysis and guidance for each major component of the comprehensive local… June 2019
Access & OpportunityPerkins V Driving Quality & Equity in CTE: A State Guide to Developing the Perkins V Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment Template This tool, developed by Advance CTE with input from the Shared Solutions Workgroup on the CLNA, helps states identify… June 2019
Perkins V The State of Career Technical Education: An Analysis of States’ Perkins V Priorities This cross-state analysis from Advance CTE examines how states have leveraged the development of Perkins V state plans to… October 2020