New Skills ready network 2023-2024 Snapshot: Nashville, Tennessee


New Skills ready network 2023-2024 Snapshot: Nashville, Tennessee

Nashville, Tennessee is one of the six sites selected to participate in the New Skills ready network. This five-year initiative, launched by JPMorgan Chase in 2020, aims to improve student completion of high-quality career pathways. 

This snapshot provides an overview of key successes in year four, and priorities to sustain the work in year five and beyond. Over the past year, the site’s work and progress centered around: 

  • Visualizing career pathway opportunities for learners through effective career pathway mapping; 
  • Increasing the impact and support of career advising to aid seamless postsecondary transitions; and 
  • Maximizing employer engagement opportunities to increase WBL experiences for learners.

Visit our series page to view the annual report and snapshots for all six participating sites as well as additional resources for building high-quality, accessible career pathways. 

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