Employer EngagementWork-Based Learning Connecting the Classroom to Careers: A Comprehensive Guide to the State’s Role in Work-based Learning Advance CTE's comprehensive work-based learning guide provides key considerations and guiding questions to walk states through the steps of… October 2016
Employer EngagementWork-Based Learning Connecting the Classroom to Careers: A Comprehensive Guide to the State’s Role in Work-based Learning Advance CTE's comprehensive work-based learning guide provides key considerations and guiding questions to walk states through the steps of… October 2016
Data and AccountabilityPerkins V A Guide for State Leaders: Maximizing Perkins V’s Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment & Local Application to Drive Quality and Equity in CTE This guide from Advance CTE provides a summary, analysis and guidance for each major component of the comprehensive local… June 2019
Dual Enrollment, Articulation and TransferProgram Quality How to Scale College in High School: A State Policy Guide for Implementing Dual Enrollment and Early College Designs Under the Every Student Succeeds Act This guide, developed by Jobs for the Future and the College in High School Alliance, profiles design principles and… July 2017