Opportunities to Advance Statewide Industry Collaboration and Engagement in Career Technical Education

This report explores state strategies to systematically engage business and industry leaders in support of CTE through Perkins V.


Opportunities to Advance Statewide Industry Collaboration and Engagement in Career Technical Education

Business and industry leaders have an essential role to play in the design and delivery of high-quality Career Technical Education (CTE) programs. They bring unique perspectives on the foundational competencies and qualifications for entry-level work in their respective industries and can provide input into the design of programs of study, learning standards and classroom-based curriculum.

The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) provides the perfect opportunity for leveraging ongoing sector strategies and scaling up engagement with business and industry leaders in CTE. Many states established statewide advisory councils with representatives from critical state industries to inform the design of their Perkins V plans. This report explores state strategies to systematically engage business and industry leaders in support of CTE. The information draws on research from Advance CTE’s review of Perkins V state plans as well as key informant interviews with CTE leaders in Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Ohio and South Carolina.

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