STEM4: The Power of Collaboration for Change

This report from Advance CTE, ASSM, CSSS and ITEAA outlines three principles and corresponding recommendations to drive and implement outstanding STEM education research and practices. 

STEM4: The Power of Collaboration for Change

Currently, the United States falls short in preparing learners for education and careers in STEM, and equity gaps in STEM preparedness and access persist among underserved populations. This report from Advance CTE, the Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics, the Council of State Science Supervisors, and the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association outlines three principles and corresponding recommendations to drive and implement outstanding STEM education research and practices.

  • Principle One: STEM education should advance the learning of each individual STEM discipline
  • Principle Two: STEM education should provide logical and authentic connections between and across the individual STEM disciplines
  • Principle Three: STEM education should serve as a bridge to STEM careers

A useful resource for stakeholders invested in advancing high-quality STEM education for each learner, this report offers actions that may be taken to increase access to and equity in STEM preparedness.

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