Toward a Better Balance: Bolstering the Second “C” in College and Career Readiness

This report from the NASBE draws on findings from a cross-state Career Readiness Study Group to explore how state boards of education can expand and enhance career readiness efforts in their states.

Toward a Better Balance: Bolstering the Second “C” in College and Career Readiness

This report from the National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) draws on findings from a cross-state Career Readiness Study Group to explore how state boards of education can expand and enhance career readiness efforts in their states. The report acknowledges the urgency and need for an education system that better prepares students for career success after graduating, but concedes that the effort must involve various stakeholder groups. Ultimately, the report recommends that state boards of education adopt the following strategies:

  • Build knowledge and understanding of postsecondary, business and workforce initiatives.
  • Engage with a broad spectrum of stakeholders to define career readiness.
  • Ensure state board policies value career readiness.

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