Who Are We Missing? Understanding and Reaching Underrepresented Prospective Community College Students

This resource and messaging toolkit from the Aspen Institute guides leaders of postsecondary institutions on how they can effectively communicate their programs to opportunity youth, unemployed adults and underemployed adults.

Who Are We Missing? Understanding and Reaching Underrepresented Prospective Community College Students

This resource from the Aspen Institute, in partnership with the Siemens Foundation and Edge Research, is the result of data collected from eight focus groups and a national survey of almost 2,000 people to understand the barriers learners face when considering a Career Technical Education (CTE) program at a community college.  In particular, the report describes 11 key findings on how opportunity youth, unemployed adults and underemployed adults think about education, training and jobs, and which messages are likely to have the greatest impact. 

Accompanying the report is a messaging toolkit to guide postsecondary institutions on how they can talk about their program offerings with prospective learners. 

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