This toolkit provides state and local CTE leaders with actionable resources, guidance and tools to ensure CTE learner voices are elevated and heard for the improvement of CTE policies and practices.
The learner voice is often neglected when decisions are made about Career Technical Education (CTE) programs, even though learners themselves are affected directly by these programs and have invaluable first-hand experiences. Engaging learners, families and key community partners to share their unique experiences with the CTE system to inform and improve upon programs and supports is important to achieve Without Limits: A Shared Vision for the Future of Career Technical Education (CTE Without Limits). It is therefore critical for state and local CTE leaders to engage learners intentionally and ongoing in the decision making process within the career preparation ecosystem. By empowering learners to be key stakeholders, high-quality programs and policies can better address learner needs and break down barriers — particularly for historically marginalized populations.
Supplemental resources are provided in this toolkit to assist CTE leaders in processing new information and ideas, identifying the most important next steps, and highlighting areas where action is most needed:
- A rubric to assess your commitments for engaging CTE Learners;
- A worksheet to assess organizational readiness to elevate learner voice in CTE;
- Sample focus group questions for current CTE learners; and
- A worksheet for developing a strategy to elevate learner voice in CTE.