Work-based Learning Policy: 50-State Scan

This 50-state scan from the National Skills Coalition examines policies in all 50 states plus Washington, D.C., highlighting thirty-five states that have formal, paid work-based learning policies in place. 

Work-based Learning Policy: 50-State Scan

Work-based learning programs help close critical skill gaps by blending worksite and classroom learning. These programs help prepare workers with the skills they need to be successful on the job. However, the quality and relevance of work-based learning programs vary from state to state. This 50-state scan from the National Skills Coalition examines policies in all 50 states plus Washington, D.C., highlighting specific programs in thirty-five states. The report further classifies work-based learning policies into five categories: expansion initiatives, employer subsidies, pre-apprenticeship or youth apprenticeship supports, other work-based learning policies for secondary students, and subsidies for postsecondary classroom instruction for apprentices.

Although the report examines some exemplar policies from the states, the list is not exhaustive. For the purpose of the report, National Skills Coalition only examines paid work-based learning opportunities and policies designed to expand work-based learning.  The report also excludes the regular administration of registered apprenticeships. This 50-state scan is helpful starting point for state or national policymakers to learn about different state approaches to supporting and funding work-based learning.

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