Case-Making & Communications
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Case-Making & Communications
Advance CTE is a leading voice elevating the value and impact of Career Technical Education (CTE) for each learner. We strive to equip our members, partners and entire CTE field with cutting-edge research, tools and messages to amplify the CTE story with federal and state policymakers, the media and families in communities across the nation.

Communications Campaigns
To help raise awareness, improve understanding and communicate the important role of CTE, Advance CTE has made a number of case-making and campaign resources.
Engage Families and Learners
Advance CTE, with support from the Siemens Foundation, supports states and communities across the country in their efforts to attract and recruit learners into high-quality Career Technical Education programs of study.

Other Resources
Advance CTE, with support from the Siemens Foundation, supports states and communities across the country in their efforts to attract and recruit learners into high-quality Career Technical Education programs of study.
Amplifying CTE Month: Every February, the CTE community celebrates CTE Month® to raise awareness of the role that CTE has in readying learners for college and career success. Get tips on amplifying your CTE Activities.
Contribution to Society: Exploring Purpose-Driven Framing for Career Pathways: Explore an emerging, purpose-driven approach to career advising and communicating participation in career pathways and career-focused education.
Supporting CTE Leaders in CTE Messaging and Recruitment: Learn how Advance CTE is supporting CTE leaders in building systems for effective and equitable recruitment into CTE programs.