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Our initiatives connect national partners with state leaders to support high-quality Career Technical Education (CTE) policy at the federal and state levels; empower our members to be effective CTE leaders through technical assistance, professional development and professional networking; share best practices and innovative models; and promote high-quality CTE throughout the country.
The National Career Clusters Framework provides a vital structure for organizing and delivering quality CTE programs through learning and comprehensive programs of study.
Advance CTE serves as a leading national voice in supporting Career Technical Education leaders to effectively communicate the value of CTE to learners and families and build statewide practices to ensure all learners are aware of, can access, and have the tools to succeed in the CTE program of their choice.
The New Skills ready network works with comprehensive partnerships across six sites to strengthen the alignment and rigor of career pathways, improve pathways, expand real-world work experiences, build seamless transitions to postsecondary success and close outcomes gaps.
The Postsecondary State Career Technical Education Leaders Fellowship strives to address the growing shortage of state postsecondary CTE leadership by providing aspiring leaders with access to postsecondary CTE program improvement research and resources and a network of experienced leaders dedicated to the development of high-quality policies and practices.
To drive system-level change, Advance CTE has joined forces with four other leading national organizations in the college and career pathways movement. This initiative aims to strengthen existing efforts to provide high-quality pathways at scale and push the field toward innovative strategies and solutions for every learner to have access to and succeed in high-quality college and career pathways.
The Partnership to Advance Youth Apprenticeship supports state and local apprenticeship intermediaries and systems to achieve youth apprenticeship at scale with seamless connections to the larger, cohesive work-based learning ecosystem designed with quality and equity and the forefront.
CTE Without Borders supports states in actualizing Advance CTE’s vision that each learner can access CTE without borders by developing in-state and inter-state agreements that advance policies and programs to expand access to high-quality CTE and work-based learning
Advance CTE’s Advancing Postsecondary CTE Data Quality Initiative (PDI) is exploring how state leaders can cultivate high-quality postsecondary data ecosystems that can assist postsecondary institutions in offering career pathways that meet learner interests and are aligned to a good career.
Excellence in Action Awards
Advance CTE’s Excellence in Action awards program recognizes and honors superior CTE programs of study from across all 50 states and territories.