Call for Resources Form

Call for Resources: The Modernized National Career Clusters® Framework

Advance CTE is interested in Career Cluster-specific resources that can help CTE administrators and instructors design programs, review standards, explore careers in a given sector, or make curricular decisions. These resources will be hosted on the related Career Clusters page or the general Resources page. 

To maintain consistency, we have established criteria for inclusion. For a resource to be included, it must:

  • Align with the purpose of the National Career Clusters Framework: “The National Career Clusters Framework provides structural alignment and a common language to bridge education and work, empowering each learner to explore, decide on, and prepare for dynamic and evolving careers.”
  • Align with the five principles of Without Limits: A Shared Vision for the Future of Career Technical Education
  • Promote equitable access to high-quality career pathways
  • Provide actionable information and have clear utility for state and local secondary and postsecondary leaders or instructors
  • Not promote, solicit for, or advertise for commercial products, programs, or services
  • Must be freely accessible without purchase or payment.
  • Be validated by industry leaders, employers, and experts
  • Have approval from the publishing organization to share

Advance CTE will review submissions on a rolling basis and provide email updates about resource approval and guidance on future resource development. 

If you have questions or need additional information before making a submission, please contact us