Advocacy 101: Making the Case for CTE

Advocacy 101: Making the Case for CTE

Career Technical Education (CTE) teachers, administrators, and state representatives know the ins and outs of CTE programs and the positive impact that they have on individuals and the economy. The purpose of this on-demand webinar is to introduce you to the basics of advocacy so that you have the tools to support and promote your CTE programs – whether on Capitol Hill, with state policymakers, through the media, or in your local districts. We begin by reviewing why advocacy is important, and the difference between lobbying and advocacy. We’ll also share advocacy tips and resources to help you make the case for CTE with your local, state and federal policy makers and other CTE stakeholders.

Narrator: Kara Herbertson, Former Research and Policy Manager, NASDCTEc

Link to recording (Length: 9.06)