Branding Your CTE Resources


Branding Your CTE Resources

More and more states are beginning to use the CTE: Learning that works for America logo, color scheme and messaging in their communication. The result is that CTE administrators, educators, advocates, members of the media, students, parents and others are beginning to experience a consistent look and feel whenever they receive communication or resources from state leaders.


Nebraska created a suite of branding assets designed to raise the profile of CTE.

Nebraska is one state that has taken great care to move beyond logo placement to make sure that resources they create have the full look and feel of the brand. All graphics are created in-house, and all resources feel connected.

New Jersey’s CTE Technical Toolbox is a clearinghouse of resources under the header of CTE: Learning that works for New Jersey, including informational and curricular support, as well as persuasive pieces. It has actively added pieces to this branded collection that embody the brand promise.

What can you do?
Nebraska’s resources provide a strong example of consistency. Every resource has the unified look and feel of the CTE: Learning that works for America® brand. Consider how you might create the same effect in your state’s CTE resources.