Campaign Branding Best Practices

Campaign Branding Best Practices

To support your efforts to implement the national CTE: Learning that works for America brand and campaign, we have collected best practices from across the nation on how to tackle common challenges for successful branding.

Through a series of interviews with the states participating in the branding campaign, NASDCTEc has discovered that these best practices can elevate a state’s branding campaign and increase their chances of successfully communicating the brand message. The state resources we have shared can serve as examples for those who are just getting started with their branding efforts or are hoping to take their branding efforts in a new direction.

Branding Case Studies

Replacing An Existing Brand with the CTE Brand
A number of states and school districts are faced with the choice between an existing branding campaign and the CTE: Learning that works for America campaign. Learn how one state successfully transitioned to the CTE brand.

State CTE offices and schools are often required to use specific logos on the resources they create. Learn how two states are co-branding resources with the required logo and the CTE logo.

Branding Websites
Websites are a very visible form of communication, and they are also relatively inexpensive as a form of marketing. Learn how two states are using their departmental Websites to communicate the CTE brand.

Engaging Educators
Local CTE educators must be educated about the brand and equipped to carry the brand messages. See what two states have done to engage local educators in the branding effort.

Planning for the Future
The CTE branding resources and the CTE vision can serve as inspiration for states as they plan for the future. See how three states have used the CTE brand to implement lasting change and impact.

Conference Materials
Many states have used the CTE logo and tagline as the basis for their conference themes. See the tremendous conference resources two states developed.

Sharing the Brand Message with Policymakers
Policymakers are an important target audience. They must know and understand CTE in order to make informed decisions about the policies and investments that impact CTE. Learn how one state reached out to policymakers to share the CTE brand message.

Communicating Through Traditional Media Outlets
Traditional media outlets – radio, television and newspapers – are a great way to communicate the brand message. See the resources that two states have created in order to reach out to these traditional media outlets.

Branding Your CTE Resources
CTE administrators, educators, advocates, members of the media, students, parents and others should experience a consistent look and feel when they receive communication or resources from state CTE offices. Learn how one state has taken a purposeful approach in branding their CTE resources.