ACTE Launches Microdocs Initative Aiming to Tell the CTE Story

ACTE Launches Microdocs Initative Aiming to Tell the CTE Story

The Association of Career and Technical Education (ACTE) launched its Microdocs initiative today. The series of films are designed to inspire student to follow their passions through Career Technical Education (CTE) through the power of storytelling. The videos highlight students’ experiences in CTE from 3-D printing to green energy, and will be distributed to educators, parents and career guidance counselors to share with students.
Interested in supporting the Microdocs initiative?  ACTE began their first-ever crowdfunding campaign through Indiegogo, which will support the creation of more stories on topics such as aeronautical engineering and cyber-security.
Learn more about this initiative on Indigogo and on ACTE’s website.
Katie Fitzgerald, Communications Associate