Advance CTE Fall Meeting Sponsor Blog: New Hands-on Training and Certification Program – CPT+ Skill Boss

Advance CTE Fall Meeting Sponsor Blog: New Hands-on Training and Certification Program – CPT+ Skill Boss

This post is written by the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC), a Platinum Level sponsor of the 2018 Advance CTE Fall Meeting.
The Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) is pleased to announce the release of its complete hands-on advanced manufacturing CPT+ Skill Boss Training and Certification program. Built upon MSSC’s well-established Certified Production Technician (CPT), this new program is designed to prepare certificants with the next generation skills to work in a computer-driven, data-intensive advanced manufacturing workplace.
The centerpiece of this new program is a transformational training device, invented by Amatrol, that enables MSSC to offer hands-on training and assessment as an enhancement to its signature CPT training and certification system.  “Skill Boss” is a computer-controlled machine that performs a wide variety of functions aligned with 55+ skills drawn from the MSSC’s National Production Standards.  
Leo Reddy, Chair, MSSC & Paul Perkins, President, Amatrol, pictured with CPT+ Skill Boss Device
As shown in the Skill Boss Brochure, the “Skill Boss” device is portable, compact, and “classroom friendly.” Together with its associated programmable logic controller (PLC), Skill Boss fits comfortably on a standard 3’x 6′ table. It is strongly built with industrial grade components to withstand heavy use. Additionally, it is designed to cover many of the core technical competencies related to advanced manufacturing discrete parts and process manufacturing.  
Colorful and multifaceted, Skill Boss will be more fun than a robot for many students and will encourage them to enter a career pathway in advanced manufacturing. Cost-effective, Skill Boss will enable many more schools, including most high schools, who cannot afford a costly lab or tech center, to offer hands-on CPT training and testing. Watch the video below to see the Skill Boss functions!

“As an instructor, having Skill Boss will provide me with a functional hands-on teaching and testing tool that will allow my students to learn and demonstrate the valuable skills and concepts of the MSSC CPT program.” -Victor Burgos, Master Trainer, MSSC
Skill Boss Value Add:

  • Allows for documentation of 55+ “Hands-on” Skills from MSSC National Standards
  • Affordable for lower rural and urban income regions
  • Trains and assesses hands-on skills for all sectors of manufacturing
  • Increases employer confidence in their workforce and apprenticeship investment by requiring evidence of hands-on skills
  • Strong training and assessment tool also for incumbent workers
  • Interactive with CPT virtual 3-D simulation learning
  • Offers students and workers a robust introduction to mechatronics
  • Increases incentive to earn the full CPT
  • Appeals to tactile learners through dynamic learning experience
  • Meets ISO Standard 17024 accreditation requirement that MSSC offer exactly same assessment using the same equipment nationwide. 

Relationship with Current CPT Program, Instructors, and Fees:
The current MSSC CPT Program remains in full force as a highly successful program for training and certifying individuals with the core technical competencies needed to enter front-line production jobs in all manufacturing sectors. There is no requirement that education and training institutions offering CPT will need to purchase a Skill Boss trainer.

Nor will there be any change in the credentialing documentation that MSSC provides for successful completion of CPT Modules. CPT+ is a “stackable” credential.  Individuals seeking a CPT+ credential must pass the current multiple-choice assessments for all four CPT Modules: Safety, Quality Practices & Measurement, Manufacturing Processes & Production, and Maintenance Awareness.

CPT+ Credentialing:
MSSC CPT+ Skill Boss trained Instructors will issue a “MSSC Transcript” to students who satisfactorily complete hands-on training for each of the four CPT Modules.  MSSC will also offer a final, hands-on CPT+ Assessment after students pass all four CPT modules. The CPT+ certification will be on diploma-style parchment, suitable for framing, and include two CPT+ arm patches.

Delivery Expectations of CPT+ Instructor Training and Assessment:
Only MSSC Representatives are authorized to sell the Skill Boss training device and will be responsible for demonstrating Skill Boss to CPT Instructors, for invoicing and collections, and for customer service questions related to Skill Boss. Assessment related questions and orders will be done through the MSSC Headquarter office.

MSSC strongly encourages its interested community members currently and/or previously offering CPT, to order the new CPT+ Skill Boss Assessment device.  Please contact your local MSSC Representative for more information on placing your order. For information on who your MSSC Representative is,  please visit our website or contact our office by email at [email protected] or 703-739-9000.