COVID-19 Resource Roundup: Equity


COVID-19 Resource Roundup: Equity

Advance CTE has compiled a listing of COVID-19 resources for states to refer to as they make state-wide decisions and schools and institutions transition to distance learning.
The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) resources are bucketed into the following categories: General updates, CTE-specific resources, postsecondary, middle grades, distance learning, equity, leadership/managing virtually and emerging innovations.  
Today’s topic focuses on material related to equity in education, especially CTE, during Coronavirus. Follow this blog for future resource roundups.

  • Supplemental Fact Sheet addressing the risk of COVID-19 in Preschool, Elementary and Secondary Schools While Serving Children with Disabilities, U.S. Department of Education
    The Department of Education emphasizes, within the fact sheet, that federal disability law allows for flexibility in determining how to meet the individual needs of students with disabilities. The Department encourages fruitful collaboration between school leaders, the families and the community to strategically come up with an innovative way to continue to meet the needs of students with disabilities.
  • What COVID-19 Means for Incarcerated Students: Isolation, Uncertainty, & a Loss Sense of Humanity, New America
    This resource brings forth questions and concerns about college-in-prison programs. As many colleges and universities have closed their doors and transitioned to online instruction, the incarcerated population seems to be unaccounted for.
  • Coronavirus Equity Considerations, NAACP
    In this resource guide, the NAACP provides aid to community leaders on how to navigate the Coronavirus pandemic with vulnerable populations. National and state leaders can find the resources necessary that link to well-developed policies and practices that are equitable and able to reach all people in all communities.
  • COVID-19 and Homelessness: Strategies for Schools, Early Learning Programs, and Higher Education Institutions, SchoolHouse Connection
    The homeless population has been identified as a vulnerable population due to the Coronavirus. Within this resource, state leaders can find strategies and practices that others have already implemented to best fit the needs of their homeless students. Also, a checklist is provided for school leaders to assess their communication with homeless families and unaccompanied youth.
  • Two New Resources to Support Students with Disabilities During the COVID-19 Crisis, National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD)
    NCLD created these resources based on their belief that distance learning can still provide an equitable learning experience for students with disabilities. The resources are created to encourage policymakers, parents and educators to work together as one to best serve this student population.
  • Free membership and access over 8,000 captioned and described educational videos, The Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP)
    Families and educators who care for a student with a disability can register for free to access educational videos that are described and captioned for the viewer. There are over 8,000 accessible titles with the registration, however, one can view a public list of titles without registering. Be sure to check out the career education videos!

Advance CTE will continue to update the website with COVID-19 resources. Check the page regularly for frequent updates.
Brittany Cannady, Digital Media Associate