COVID-19 Resource Roundup: Leading and Managing Virtually

COVID-19 Resource Roundup: Leading and Managing Virtually

Advance CTE has compiled a listing of COVID-19 resources for states to refer to as they make state-wide decisions and schools and institutions transition to distance learning. While this is not a complete list of all resources, we hope to share prominent ones that align with the work of Career Technical Education (CTE).
Our COVID-19 (Coronavirus) resources are bucketed into the following categories: General Updates, CTE-Specific Resources, Postsecondary, Middle Grades, Distance Learning, Equity, Leadership/ Managing Virtually and Emerging Coronavirus Innovations.
Today, we will provide an overview of the material related to leading and managing a virtual team. Follow our blog for future resource roundups.

  • 5 Tips for Managing Remotely During COVID – 19, The Management Center
    The Management Center recognizes the anxiety and fear that may linger with leaders when transitioning their staff to a virtual office. They have put together five tips to make sure your team is still able to maximize their output and reach their goals.
  • An organization with a fully virtual staff, published an article, Making the Most of “Going Virtual” in Response to COVID-19, Education First
    Education First reminds us as leaders to be intentional about creating and upholding our team culture while working from home. As an organization that has always been virtual, Education First shares their go-to practices to maintain a positive work environment.
  • Coronavirus Crisis Communications Triage Kit, The Communications Network
    This resource has been put together to help identify best practices for communicating during a crisis.

Advance CTE will continue to update our COVID-19 resources. Continue to check our page regularly for frequent updates.
Brittany Cannady, Digital Media Associate