CTE Month: Let’s Invest in Career Technical Education for All Learners

CTE Month: Let’s Invest in Career Technical Education for All Learners

We have reached the end of Career Technical Education (CTE) month and we have seen – through awards programs, student success stories, visits to policymakers and site visits with employers – the importance of supporting high-quality programs of study across the nation. CTE provides middle school, high school, postsecondary and adult learners with the knowledge and skills they need to be prepared for successful careers. Learners enrolled in CTE programs progress along a pathway of increasingly specific academic and technical courses. They often have the opportunity to participate in internships, engage with employers, and apply what they are learning through hands-on projects.
Funding for CTE supports a variety of activities including:
      • Professional development for teachers and faculty to remain up to date on the latest industry advances;
      • Career counseling, guidance and advisement;
      • Career exploration opportunities;
      • Creation of new programs and associated equipment;
      • Improvement and expansion of existing programs; and
      • Building of industry partnerships and more.

That is why the CTE community is leading the charge to double the federal investment in programs that work for America.
How Can Organizations Support the Campaign?

Step 1: Sign On!
Visit www.ISupportCTE.org to sign your company or organization on to support doubling the investment in CTE.

Step 2: Stay Involved in the Campaign
When you sign on to the statement of support, you can select the ways in which you would like to stay involved in the campaign:
• Email [email protected] your organization’s logo to be displayed on the campaign’s website;
• Submit a story about the impact of CTE to be featured in campaign materials; and
• Receive email updates and more.

You can also keep up with the campaign on Twitter by following @CTEWorks and using #ISupportCTE when posting about the campaign.  

Step 3: Spread the Word
Share the campaign with your networks — and invite them to visit www.ISupportCTE.org to sign on.

Visit the Share page on www.ISupportCTE.org to find sample tweets, a partner guide and more to help you share the campaign.

See how others are supporting the campaign on social media by searching #ISupportCTE. Here are some examples: