CTE Month: Uplifting the Learner Experience and Voice


CTE Month: Uplifting the Learner Experience and Voice

We are already at the end of week three for Career Technical Education (CTE) Month®! This week we are highlighting the learner voice. Did you know last year CTE programs served nearly 8.2 million secondary students and 3.8 million postsecondary and adult students?
Sharing success stories is a great way to promote high-quality programs of study. In these stories, you will see what happens when learners are empowered to choose a meaningful education and career.
Coming Soon: It’s important that learners have access to the resources they need for success. So, the Career Technical Education community is embarking on a campaign to double the federal investment in #CTE. We are asking employers to sign on to support the campaign and hope to get 10,000 signatures by April! Check back next week for details.

Listen to current West Virginia Nicholas County Career Technical Centers (NCCTC) learners who participated in the Exploratory Program last year. Learners discuss how the Exploratory program informed them of the opportunities available in CTE and helped them decide where to focus their future career goals.

Katie Lowe is the only girl in her engineering class at Heritage High School in Maryville, Tenn. In this video, Katie talks about her initial fears in joining the program and how, with the help of instructor Sam Warwick and her classmates, she learned she can do “anything that I want to.”

Hear how participating in a dual enrollment course is helping Abigail Christensen, Century High School student get a leg up on her future as a design drafter. She talks about the importance of having supportive instructors and upon graduation she will have a certificate in mechanical drafting.

Now working at Oracle as a technology account manager and the founder of a non-profit organization helping entrepreneurs. Terrell reflects on his high school experience and lessons learned that he has carried into his career.

Inspired by her own personal experience with a caring doctor, Kayla decided she wanted to help others too. In order to become a doctor who truly cares about patients and makes a difference in their lives. She’s making real progress towards that goal right now through her Internship at Poudre Valley Hospital.

Casey Kraft has been planting seeds for his future for as long as he can remember. All along the way, his teachers have nurtured his passion for farming and helped him take what he learns in the classroom to the fields of his family farm. He participates in FFA and works on the farm before he starts his school day.

Read these student blogs and media stories to learn more about learner experiences:


Hear from Assistant Secretary for Career, Technical, and Adult Education Scott Stump as he talks about stats on CTE, youth employment, and encouraging states to be Bold in the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) state plans.
Watch the video here.

Check back next week for more highlights! 

Nicole Howard, Communications Associate